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What should we do to prevent diarrhoea?

About 45,000 people in Laos develop diarrhoea each year, with about 1,500 of those falling ill after eating unclean food, resulting in an average of 16 deaths. Health authorities say it is essential to eat only uncontaminated food to prevent illness. Vientiane Times asked around for people’s thoughts on ways to avoid this distressing sickness. 

Ms Matta Sonesackda, an employee in Hadxaifong district, Vientiane: People often get diarrhoea after drinking unclean water or eating adulterated food or because they live in unclean surroundings, and unfortunately don’t understand the effects of all this. I have read about ways to avoid diarrhoea, and know that we should always keep our hands clean, wash fresh fruit and vegetables before eating them, drink clean water, and cook perishable food thoroughly. People usually defecate in toilets because it’s hygienic but I know that many houses in rural areas still don’t have toilets, which increases the risk of diarrhoea. It would be good if the authorities provided more information about hygiene and improved sanitation standards across the country. 
Mr Sonethavy, a government official in Vientiane: Hot weather can lead to the spread of disease, and diarrhoea is a common symptom. People should think twice about buying food that’s sold on the roadside, and the sectors responsible should carry out checks to ensure that food producers and vendors are complying with the regulations. Every item should undergo quality control checks before being registered and allowed to go on sale at markets in Laos or exported. If people have safe food to eat, they will enjoy good health and be more productive. But if people eat unclean food, they will fall ill as well as being faced with costly medical bills.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Ms Vone, a resident of Saravan province: I don’t know much about diarrhoea and I don’t think that many other people in Laos know what causes it either, especially those who live in rural areas. Everyone should be careful and take steps to avoid diarrhoea, as it can be very debilitating. Health professionals should circulate information about ways to prevent diarrhoea, as well as what to do if you fall ill. And people who are well informed about it should pass on what they know to others.
Ms Phonemany, a resident of Naxaithong district, Vientiane: Many diseases spread easily in hot weather, and diarrhoea can be a troubling symptom. I have heard that many people fall ill every year. I think it’s very dangerous if those who get infected are not treated properly. It would be better if everyone paid more attention to their health. We should keep our homes clean and be careful about what we eat. We should always wash our hands before eating. If you have stomach ache and vomit, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The authorities should suggest ways to prevent diarrhoea and what to if a family member falls ill.
Ms Mo Manotham, an employee in Sangthong district, Vientiane: There are many illnesses that can affect children, and diarrhoea can be very distressing. Although health professionals and others try to inform people about diarrhoea, many people, especially children, can become quite ill. I think this is because they don’t understand the effects of diarrhoea and so they don’t take matters such as cleanliness and hygiene seriously. I think the authorities should advise communities about ways to prevent all diseases, and especially give advice to the public about ways to treat diarrhoea.


By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update June 29, 2022)

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