Better response to vaccine drive in Xieng Khuang when leaders join health teams
People in Kham and Nonghet districts of Xieng Khunag province respond more positively to Covid-19 vaccination campaigns when health teams administering the jabs are accompanied by local readers.
More people participate in such vaccination campaigns when the vaccinators are joined by leaders. Unfortunately, leaders are not always able to participate in the vaccination campaigns in all areas.
The Head of Kham district’s Health Office, Dr Thongbay Syhalath, told the media recently that more villagers come out for vaccination drives when the health teams are joined by provincial or district leaders.
Girls in Nonghet district of Xieng Khuang province check Covid-19 vaccination cards. |
“The villagers came out in greater numbers as they believe and trust the local leaders, who talk to them and persuade them to get vaccinated,” he said.
But when health teams go to villages without a local leader, fewer people come forward to get the jabs, he said.
“We want our leaders to be present at each place where vaccinations are available, but there is no budget for them to travel to every place,” Dr Thongbay said.
Without the leaders being present, the vaccination teams don’t have time to talk to the people and only focus on administering the shots.
The two districts adjoin each other and are linked by a 70-km road. This route also connects the area to the border with Vietnam in Nonghet district.
Many people in Vientiane and the southern provinces using the road running through Borikhamxay province to get to the two districts as it is much shorter than travelling via the winding and mountainous Road 13 North through Phoukhoun district in Luang Prabang province.
Vientiane residents take one-and-a-half day to reach Kham and Nonghet districts, as they need to cover about 500 km.
Kham district should be able to do well in the vaccination drive because public health officials have been talking to the villagers about the need to get vaccinated.
But leaders in Nonghet district have faced problems in getting to a few villages because travelling on some roads is difficult during the rainy season.
A visit to the area by reporters from various media organisations was recently organised by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Health, with support from UNICEF.
International partners backing Laos’ Covid-19 response, including UNICEF, have consistently provided support in the delivery of vaccines since early 2021 through the COVAX facility. COVAX is a partnership co-led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and it works in partnership with UNICEF and the World Bank, civil society organisations, manufacturers, and others stakeholders.
This visit to Xieng Khuang follows after a briefing in June was held for senior news editor from the media on the current status of Covid-19 vaccination in Laos and how the media can support the national vaccination efforts. This kind of media mission was organised in Savannakhet, Borikhamxay and Khammuan provinces in June and July 2022.
The team of journalists from national media, led by Mr Vannasin Simmavong, Deputy Director General of the Mass Media Department of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, will be visiting three districts in the province with the purpose of observing the current progress and challenges to vaccination efforts.
The team recently visited Khoun, Kham and Noghet districts where they met with local authorities to discuss Covid-19 vaccination efforts there. They would additionally be observing the vaccination system at the district hospitals where they also interviewed health workers and beneficiaries of the vaccination programme.
Covid-19 has greatly affected the economy and livelihoods of the people, including Xieng Khuang province and Media has dedicated much effort towards supporting the Covid-19 response. Despite those efforts, challenges remain in expanding vaccination coverage due to financial constraints and limitations in human resources. Nevertheless, the promotion of Covid-19 vaccination remains an important task and the media is determined to ramp up promotion efforts through its channels, including through television, radio, newspapers and village loudspeakers.
Cases and deaths from Covid-19 throughout Laos has been declining in the past several months thanks to the overall steady progress in vaccination, with around 70 percent of the population having already completed their primary series of vaccination (first and second dose). However, vaccination uptake in some provinces remain low, including Xieng Khuang province.
Several provincial and district health authorities recently conducted two rounds of Covid-19 vaccination. However, authorities continue to face challenges pertaining to the demand for vaccines, with vaccine hesitancy being among the most common barrier. The current plan is to expand vaccination coverage in areas that are immediately within reach, such as urban areas, especially when considering the heavy rainfall we are experiencing right now which can make the terrain more difficult to navigate in more remoter areas.
By Khonesavanh Latsaphao
(Latest Update August 19, 2022) |